Note that this is the Majesco run of the game, which means it comes with a cardboard box and not the plastic clamshell the original run had. I inspected the box more closely and it seems that the original box was the cardboard insert kind, and this was cut out and inserted into a hard plastic case. Condition is "Good". //-->. All of the bosses are displayed along with their names. Bloodlines Menu: Stages - Manual - Walkthrough - Passwords Weirdness - Opening - Ending - Foreign; Ending of Castlevania Bloodlines (There are three endings, depending on difficulty level. Journey ... Only now, the series was coming to the Sega Genesis in the form of Castlevania: Bloodlines. Note some of the small differences - the Hellhound in the middle of the first level looks completely different, and there appears to be a part of the fourth level that had a blimp - something not in the final game. , (There are three endings, depending on difficulty level. Press start to start the game.